Tutoring & Homework Club Parental Permission Form

I give permission for %child_first_name% %child_last_name% to participate in the Tutoring & Homework Club. I understand that my child will be matched with a tutor that best fits their needs and availability. I understand that my child must meet with a tutor per week as scheduled below to be considered “enrolled” in the Club.


I understand that the tutor assigned to my child will keep weekly reports of homework completed / subjects covered, and will be made available to me by request. I may be asked by my child’s tutor for information regarding their progress in school given either by my child’s teacher or myself.


I also give permission for %child_first_name% %child_last_name% to earn rewards such as edible treats, stickers, trinkets, and field trips for good behavior and/or academic effort. Also, from time to time, members of the Club may be filmed, taped, or photographed for use in printed materials and/or the website of the School/Club/Organization).


 Weekly Tutoring Schedule: [put schedule here]



I allow my child to be filmed, taped or photographed
I do not allow my child to be filmed, taped, or photographed


Other Comments:

In case of emergency, I can be reached thru: